Thursday, September 1, 2016

On Facebook, your political views have virtually no impact

You're a little political activist on the edges? Know that your efforts to your point of view is adopted by friends and family on Facebook to deliberations have virtually no effect. In any case what tends to be a poll in the USA.

Update - The investigation by the US Rantic is it biased? Wired proceeded to update its paper lining the entire article. The site merely states that he can not confirm details of the study and therefore the conclusions that can be drawn.

Topic Aug 18 - You have asserted political views and you like to participate in discussions that may occur in the public space? You are convinced of the merits of your position and you put a point of honor to share your opinion argued in the hope that your contacts align your thinking? Alas, it turns out that your efforts are in vain, especially on social networks.

This is what reveals a survey conducted by the US Rantic, a company dedicated to marketing on community sites. Relayed by Wired, it is the finding of ineffective political messages you post online, especially on Facebook. You may be reactions to your publication, but the convictions of your interlocutors hardly change.

The survey conducted among 10,000 people shows that 94 % of Republicans , 92% Democrats and 85% of Independents have not changed views on a subject after reading a message on Facebook . In general, the majority said anyway that the social network is not an appropriate place to talk politics - much like family dinners .

Your messages can produce interactions that give you the feeling to have weighed on the advice of your family. Comments, shares , reactions with smileys Facebook ... all indicators flattering but misleading final , according to the survey, since users are changing very little interpretative framework on these topics. However, giving a sword into the water.


There are probably several factors that may explain this finding.

One of them is probably due to the fact that anyone who tends to read a news that reinforces his view of the world instead of break it by taking into account the media who do not have the minded. So, the efficacy of a political message on Facebook that would issue a discordant note in what is growing to be just very quickly countered by the media bubble, in fact oriented, that exists around most people.

The survey conducted by Rantic also reveals relatively damaging aspects to share political views on social networks. For example, people mostly tend to judge - we imagine, negatively - those who publish the content of this nature. In extreme cases, this can even break friendships: 12% of Republicans, 18% Democrats and 9% of Independents admitted removing a contact from their friends list because of it.

Just as there are subjects that are known to cause outbursts during a family meal - money, religion, politics ... - there are also places that are not adequate to accommodate them. Social networks seem to be in it. This is the opinion of the majority of respondents. Consider this the next time you'll want to give your views on the latest political controversy of the moment.


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