Saturday, September 10, 2016

Smart and Effective Ways to Get Rich

  • Sell All Your Stuff On Ebay

Depending on how many things you own (and what they might actually be worth), you could sell everything that you own on Ebay. This might give you a lot of money, but then you will have to go out and buy more things; which will pretty much defeat the purpose.  But you will get rich if that’s what you are looking to do, even if it is temporary.

  • Invest In The Stock Market

The stock market is a very risky business, and most people who invest in it already have the funds they need in order to gamble it away. It is a lazy and sometimes easy way to get rich, if you have the money in the beginning

  • Buy A Metal Detector
  • Marry Someone Who Is Very Wealthy
  • Hit the lottery


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